Matilda Walsh — Passages (2022) — Oil on Canvas


Passages (2022) — Oil on Canvas — 30 cm x 40 cm — Framed in Tasmanian Oak, Cashew Finish

*Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via to request additional images and/or video footage of these works by Matilda Walsh for extra clarity, as the light oil pigments photograph differently in various types of light. We would be delighted to assist. Many thanks, Gallery Rayé.


This is an original work by Matilda Walsh.

View other works in this collection here.

Artist CV is available on request.

Authenticity certificate is provided.

Price does not include freight / shipping - shipping will be billed separately to the artwork purchase. Once you’ve made your selection and procured your artwork, Gallery Raye will be in touch to confirm your shipping preferences, and to organise shipping quotes for you.

Please do get in touch if you have any questions or would like to view additional images of this work and frame - we would be delighted to assist!